Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ related to the Beta Reading process are marked as [BR]. You can find more info about beta reading here.
FAQ related to the Book Formatting process are marked as [BF]. You can find more info about book formatting here.
Other FAQ are generic and applicable to any of the services I offer.

  • How can we work together?

    I'm excited that you want to work with me! Please contact me via email or any of my social media accounts linked at the right bottom of the page, or on the contact page, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!

  • How do payments work?

    All payments are done via PayPal.
    For beta reading and book formatting, full payment is required before we start the process.
    For editing, 50% of the quote is required before we start the process and the remaining 50% after I'm done editing your manuscript.

  • [BR] Will my book be safe with you?

    Absolutely! As an author myself, I am aware of how protective you are of your work. Certainly, no one else besides me will have access to your book.
    I always have an NDA ready for us to sign as well! This will be done on request only.*

    *Please note that for the NDA you would need to provide your full name, city, state, and country details.

  • [BR] If I make changes based on your feedback, do I need to pay again for you to read through the changes?

    It depends. If you want me to go through the whole book for a second time, and update the feedback, you would have to pay the quote again.
    However, if there are only specific scenes you'd want me to look over, we can decide together based on their length. But I'll re-read anything under 1000 words for free!

  • [BR] How fast can I get the book feedback?

    Depending on my current workload and the book length, we will agree on a timeline together. In general, I give a 30 days timeframe for a beta read. But you will receive the feedback sooner if possible!

  • [BF] What book formats do you offer?

    For paperback, you will receive a PDF file.
    For eBooks, you will receive an ePub file and/or a MOBI file, according to your request.
    I can also export files for Apple Books, Nook, Kobo, and Google.

  • [BF] How long does it take to get the final formats?

    Depending on my current workload, we will agree on a timeline together. The formatting should be done within 7-10 days according to the agreed-upon timeframe.