What editing type do I need?


As an editor, I get this question a lot: "What type of editing do I need for my book?" So, I decided to write this detailed article about what you should expect from each editing type (developmental editing, line editing, and copyediting).

I have only included descriptions of services that I provide as an editor. If there's an editing type you'd want and can't find here, let me know! I'll be happy to look into it.

Developmental Editing
What it is and why you need it

Developmental editing is the first type of editing you would go through with your manuscript. This happens early in the writing process, usually after the first draft of your manuscript is complete.

What it is

This type of editing addresses "big picture" issues with plot, characters, structure, and others. Developmental editing helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of your story, as well as any plot holes or areas which could be improved by refining the pace and the flow of the story.

As a developmental editor, I will make sure to provide constructive feedback on your novel - a critical eye to help enhance and further develop your story.

I'll be focusing on the flow of your story, ironing out any plot and characters inconsistencies, smoothing transitions between scenes and ideas, and helping you structure the content of your book.

Keep in mind that all the feedback you are going to receive is to be looked at as suggestions for improvement. You are free to choose which ones you follow and which ones you don't.

What it isn't

During developmental editing, I do not check for grammar, sentence structure, typos, misspelled words, or punctuation. I also don't fix the text's formatting (where it should or shouldn't be italicized, put into quotes, etc.)

Line Editing
What it is and why you need it

If you're confident in your story, line editing is the right step for you. This process involves a line-by-line read-through and edit of your manuscript. This is recommended for finished manuscripts which have gone through developmental editing or a beta reading process.

What it is

This type of editing addresses line-level issues, focusing on improving readability and stylistic elements of your writing.

Line editing helps identify the best word choices, enhance sentence structures, and clarify meaning. This type of editing focuses on rhythm, cadence, and voice more than anything else.

As a line editor, I will make sure to provide on-point suggestions that will help improve your writing, while keeping your voice intact.

When I do line editing, I also take care of the major copyediting concerns.

Keep in mind that all the feedback you are going to receive is to be looked at as suggestions for improvement. You are free to choose which ones you follow and which ones you don't.

What it isn't

During line editing, I will propose alternative approaches at the line level, while keeping true to your voice as an author. I will make suggestions for improvements and corrections, but it is up to you which ones you will accept or not.

What it is and why you need it

This is a final check of your story after all revisions are completed. Copyediting could be followed by a round of proofreading, according to the author's preference.

What it is

This type of editing is a meticulous read-through of your manuscript in search of punctuation, grammar, and spelling mistakes.

Copyediting helps identify misused words, spelling mistakes, tense inconsistencies, typos, and others.

What it isn't

Copyediting should not be confused with developmental or line editing. A copyeditor will not make any comments on your manuscript’s character development, story flow, writing style, or structure. Some of them could make annotations if they find something that they would question as a reader, simply for you to take into account. But it's usually according to the editor's preference. I don't offer this service.


If you'd like to work with me as the editor for your book, you can find more details about my editing services here. I'm happy to provide a free sample, so you can decide if we're the best match for each other!